The Significance of Jesus’ Flesh

Eternal life is not a reward we receive in heaven; it is the life of God in a man. The life of God is called,’The eternal life’. It is a supernatural life, in other words, it is beyond the natural life. It is not subject to the affairs of the natural realm.

The natural man does not have eternal life. The life of the natural man is subject to the affairs of the natural realm. The life of the natural man can be influenced and manipulated; oppressed and possessed; and can be killed. The life of the natural man is subject to resistance; hindrances and limitations. The life of the natural man is a cursed life: it is a life of poverty; lacks and wants; a life of labor or hardwork and a life that depends on human effort.

Eternal life is the antidote to the natural life. The natural life is synonymous with death but eternal life is the true life; it is called ‘The abundant Life’. A man who has eternal life cannot die; he has passed from death into life. Eternal life is the everlasting life that comes from God. It is the very life of God. It is the life of power and authority of God; it is the life of dominion and rulership; the life of kingship and priesthood; it is the just; holy and righteous life of God. Eternal life is the life of Grace; Peace and Glory. Eternal life is the victorious life in Christ Jesus.

Eternal life is the life that Jesus gives to anyone that believes in Him.

Published by Akin Kingsley B

Akin Kingsley B is a Christian with passion for salvation of the souls of mankind. He is married to pretty Mrs Stella Kingsley and they're blessed with two lovely children, Sarah and Zoe Kingsley. He is a Pastor and the founder, tender COMMUNICATION and PUBLICATION ORG. a Christian network with the mandate of edifying the saints for the work of the ministry, building and uniting the body of Christ, and converting souls from darkness unto Light using every medium of communication, and publishing of books, journals and articles.

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