Glory be to God, Who has set man free from the law of sin and death which states that every soul that sin must die.
Man disobeyed God and ate of the tree which God commanded him not to eat and as such he died from the nature of the image and likeness of God into the nature of sin. This is the first death.
The sin nature empowered death. Death reigned over man because of sin. Man became indebted to death.
Besides the spiritual death which is the transformation of the nature of man from divinity into carnality; from the nature of God to the nature of sin, man is also liable to the natural or physical death.
The physical death is the second death. It is the transition from the physical realm of existence. It is the exit of man from this natural world. Man became a mortal being subject to physical death.
Worst still is that sin also sentenced the soul of man to an everlasting damnation. Man is condemned to everlasting damnation because of sin. This is the last death.
Jesus took away the death sentence against man. He died on behalf of man. He fulfilled the requirement of the law of sin and death by becoming a sin for man and dying on the behalf of man. His death on the cross for the sins of the whole world was the fulfillment of the righteous requirement of the law of sin and death.
The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus states that anyone who believes in Christ Jesus shall not die but have everlasting life. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ shall not experience the last death because the law of the Spirit of Life gives everlasting life.
The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set man free from the first and the last death. In other words, because of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, man is no longer a sinner and as such has been exonerated from everlasting damnation.
This law is effective on anyone who believes in Jesus Christ.