Alive to God

The life we now live, we live by the faith of the Son of God. Our lives are purchased by the blood of Jesus. God paid the price to deliver man from sin and death with the precious blood of the spotless, stainless Lamb of God.

We are alive because of Christ. Man was sentenced to death because of sin. The world was condemned to everlasting damnation but the Bible says, ‘for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus, that whosoever believes in Him shall not die but have everlasting life.’

God saved man from death. He did that by sending His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, that man through faith in Christ Jesus, will be saved.

Man is alive because of Christ. He died that man may live. He exchanged His life for the man. Jesus died the death meant for man and man lives the life that Jesus gives. In other words, the life that man lives is the life of Jesus Christ.

The life that man lives does not belong to him. Man’s old sinful life died with Christ on the cross of Calvary.

Every man in Christ received a new life. This new life is called’The eternal life’. It is the very life of God.

The new life is for God. It is specifically for the service of God. It is a life empowered and blessed to serve the purpose of God.

It is an error to live as though the life belong to man. It is an error to use the life to serve the purpose of the devil. It is an error to live any longer in sin.

We are alive to live for God.

Published by Akin Kingsley B

Akin Kingsley B is a Christian with passion for salvation of the souls of mankind. He is married to pretty Mrs Stella Kingsley and they're blessed with two lovely children, Sarah and Zoe Kingsley. He is a Pastor and the founder, tender COMMUNICATION and PUBLICATION ORG. a Christian network with the mandate of edifying the saints for the work of the ministry, building and uniting the body of Christ, and converting souls from darkness unto Light using every medium of communication, and publishing of books, journals and articles.

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