The Light of Men

Jesus is Light unto humanity. Adam’s disobedience brought death upon mankind. Man died the day Adam disobeyed God’s commandment and ate of the tree which God commanded him not to eat. Although Adam lived physically but he was dead spiritually.

This spiritual death is the exit of man from the nature of the image and likeness of God into the nature of sin. Man died from divinity into carnality. Man became disconnected from God Who is Spirit. Man became a natural being that is limited to his senses. He cannot discern or comprehend the affairs of the Spirit because they are spiritually discerned. In other words it is a spiritual man that can understand the Spirit but a natural man is constraint to the affairs of the physical realm.

The fallen man or the natural man is a man living in darkness because he cannot see beyond his senses. His operations are limited to the physical realm.

The body without the spirit is dead. The natural man is an enemy of God. He is a hopeless being without God. He is under the operations of the powers of the kingdom of darkness.

Satan blindfolds the natural man so that he can not see beyond his senses. Satan takes advantage of the blindness of the fallen man to keep him under perpetual bondage. Satan takes advantage of the ignorance of man to influence his actions. The natural man does the things he doesn’t like but cannot do the things he likes. This is the wretchedness and hopelessness of living in darkness.

Jesus is the true Light that came from God. He is the express image of the Father. No one knows the Father except the Son.

Jesus came to show the Father to as many as will receive Him into their life. The life of Jesus in a man is light unto that man.

The Light shines where there is darkness and drives away the darkness. Darkness cannot withstand the presence of light.

Receiving the life of Jesus brings the man into Light. Man becomes aware of Whom the Father is, and becomes aware of whom the Father have made him, and also becomes aware of the things the Father have freely given to him.

This Light is knowledge. The Bible says that we shall know the truth, and the truth will make us free. This knowledge brings deliverance from the operations of the powers of the kingdom of darkness.

Jesus is the Light that deliver mankind from darkness. The Light shines in darkness and darkness cannot quench it.

The Significance of Jesus’ Flesh

Eternal life is not a reward we receive in heaven; it is the life of God in a man. The life of God is called,’The eternal life’. It is a supernatural life, in other words, it is beyond the natural life. It is not subject to the affairs of the natural realm.

The natural man does not have eternal life. The life of the natural man is subject to the affairs of the natural realm. The life of the natural man can be influenced and manipulated; oppressed and possessed; and can be killed. The life of the natural man is subject to resistance; hindrances and limitations. The life of the natural man is a cursed life: it is a life of poverty; lacks and wants; a life of labor or hardwork and a life that depends on human effort.

Eternal life is the antidote to the natural life. The natural life is synonymous with death but eternal life is the true life; it is called ‘The abundant Life’. A man who has eternal life cannot die; he has passed from death into life. Eternal life is the everlasting life that comes from God. It is the very life of God. It is the life of power and authority of God; it is the life of dominion and rulership; the life of kingship and priesthood; it is the just; holy and righteous life of God. Eternal life is the life of Grace; Peace and Glory. Eternal life is the victorious life in Christ Jesus.

Eternal life is the life that Jesus gives to anyone that believes in Him.

Jesus, The Giver of Life

The body without the spirit is dead. Man was made up of the body (flesh), soul and spirit. Adam died in the spirit on the day he disobeyed God’s commandment not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Adam’s death is the death of all mankind; as such every man born of a woman inherited death from Adam.

The natural man is a dead man. His spirit is separated from God by the disobedient of Adam to God’s commandment. Adam’s disobedience brought a spiritual death upon mankind. This spiritual death is the first death; it is the exit or departure of man from the nature of God (divinity) into the nature of sin (carnality). Every man inherited this first death from Adam.

The second death is the natural death. This is the departure or exit of man from this natural realm of existence.

The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. Death is the debt every sinner (natural man) is owing. The soul of every sinner is destined to everlasting damnation. This is the last death.

Jesus died on behalf of the sinner. Jesus died the death the sinner is destined to die. Jesus paid the price the sinner is owing.

The death of Jesus on the cross of Calvary was the ransom paid for the redemption of mankind from everlasting damnation. The cross was a transaction for the salvation of the souls of mankind from the last death.

Jesus took the sins of the whole world and nailed it to the cross. He died to set man free from the death sentence upon his life.

Man is not liable to die again because of the death of Jesus. The Bible says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not die but have everlasting life.

Jesus died for the whole world. He died for all mankind. He died for all sinner. He died that the sinner should be saved.

The free gift of salvation is accessible to all through faith. In other words, anyone who believes in the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross of Calvary shall not die. Any one who believes in Jesus Christ shall not experience the last death.

He who believes in the Son, Has Eternal Life

It is an unfortunate thing for all mankind to fall into sin because of the sin of one man, Adam. We did not sin. Adam sinned; yet we participated in the consequences of Adam’s disobedience. We incurred the wrath of God for the sin that Adam committed.

This is quite unfortunate. The effect of Adam’s disobedience was genocidal. Adam’s disobedience brought death upon all flesh.

But the Good news is that just as Adam’s disobedience brought death upon mankind; so also the obedience of Jesus Christ gave life to all mankind.

Jesus died to deliver man from the wrath of God that man inherited from Adam’s disobedience. Jesus died to deliver man from death; and He was resurrected to give man life – ‘The eternal life’.

Eternal life is the free gift of God to everyone that believe in the saving Grace of God, Jesus Christ.

The Bible says that he who believes shall be saved but he who does not believe is condemned. He who does not believe shall not see life but the wrath of God rests upon him.

Jesus, The Food That gives Life.

Food is a basic need of mankind. Every man eats food to live. No one can survive a long period of time without food; the human body is designed to be sustained with food.

Sadly, food can only sustain the man as long as he lives. A dead person has no need for food. In others words, the importance of food is dependent on life: if there’s no life, there’s no need for food.

Food does not give life; it only aid life. Food does not have the ability to make a dead person alive. A dead person has no need for food.

As important as food is to man, it is useless in his death.

But Jesus is the food that endures forever. Jesus is the food of the spirit. As our flesh need physical foods to sustain it, so our spirit need spiritual food for its sustenance.

The Bible says that man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Jesus is the Word of God. He came that man should have eternal life.

Every man need eternal life because it is the life that cannot perish. Eternal Life is the life of God. It is the supernatural life; without eternal life, man is condemned to death.

Therefore, rather than laboring for the food (physical) that cannot give life; food that has no eternal relevance; food that is useless at death: man should desire and seek the food that gives life; food that have eternal value and food that endures forever – And that Food is Jesus Christ.

Jesus, The Bread of Life.

Jesus is the Bread of Life. He is the bread that gives life and sustain life because He is Life.

Life begins through Him. The Bible says all things were made through Him and for Him. There was nothing that was made without Him.

Man ate the forbidden fruit and died. The Israelites ate manna in the wilderness and died. Today, man eats physical foods, well balanced diet and still die.

Food does not give life, they all lead to death. Only Jesus is the food that gives life. Jesus is the bread of life.

Anyone who eats of this bread, even if he was dead, he shall live again. This is the Bread of Life. The bread that gives life to anyone that eats of it.

No one comes to the Father But by Me

Adam’s disobedience separated man from God his Maker. Man was chased out of the presence of God and angels were kept standing at the entrance of the garden of Eden with swords of flame to prevent the man from finding and entering God’s resting place.

Man’s fellowship and communion with God was severed. Man, who enjoyed everything that pertains to life and godliness by God’s provision, have to depend on his efforts before he eats of the earth because of the curse he incurred from God.

Sin brought an enmity between man and God his Maker. Sin is an abomination before God. The Bible says that God’s eyes are too purer to behold iniquities. God was really angry with man because of Adam’s disobedience.

God is Spirit and His worshippers can only worship Him in the spirit. Unfortunately, man died in the spirit on the day that Adam disobeyed God’s commandment and ate of the tree which God commanded him not to eat. Adam’s disobedience brought a spiritual death upon all mankind. The spirit of man is dead without God. Adam who used to have fellowship with God in the cool of the day, now hides himself before God.

Sin makes man to hide from the presence of God, it is a veil that covers man away from God.Man is unworthy of God’s presence and fellowship because of sin. Sin brought guilt and condemnation upon mankind.

Spiritual death is the exit, departure or the separation of man from God. Spiritual death is the fall of man from the nature of the image and likeness of God to the nature of sin and death. Man has fallen from a supernatural being to a natural being. The fallen man or the natural man does not know how to serve God and cannot serve God.

The natural man functions with the human senses. The natural man does not have the ability to understand spiritual things, because it takes a spirit to understand the affairs of the Spirit; therefore he lives hopelessly on the earth without God. His knowledge of God is limited to what he perceives through his senses.

Unfortunately man cannot understand God with his senses but through faith in his spirit. Therefore, every man’s ideology of God are limited through his senses. In other words, man cannot know God with his senses but with the spirit.

Jesus died and resurrected in order to put to death the sinful nature and raise to life the godly nature. His death on the cross was the crucifixion of the sinful nature of man. He bored the sins of the whole world upon His human body and nailed it to the cross at Calvary. He paid the price of death sentence that the sinner was owing. He died to set man free from the nature of sin and death. On the cross, Jesus declared boldly that it is finished. It is the end of the era of sin and death.

Jesus was raised to life on the third day by the mighty power of God. His resurrection is the beginning of a new era of life and righteousness. It is the recreation or the regeneration or the rebirth of a spiritual or supernatural man: man that can worship God.

Therefore, Jesus came to reconcile man with God his Maker. No one can come to God except through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Jesus, The Resurrection and The Life

Adam’s disobedience brought death upon all flesh. Death reigned through sin. Man died from the nature of God into the nature of sin; from supernatural to natural; from spirituality to carnality. The spirit of man died.

Death also reigned over the flesh of man. Man became a mortal being that is subject to physical death.

Likewise, death reigned over the soul. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. Death is the debt every sinner is owing. The soul of every sinner is destined to everlasting damnation.

This is the consequences of Adam’s disobedience upon mankind. Nothing was able to take this death sentence away. No sacrifice was worth the life of mankind; the blood of human was corrupted by sin and as such could not be acceptable for the atonement of sin.

No one could save man but the Lamb of God. The Bible says there was a great silence in heaven for no one was found worthy to loose the scroll except the Lamb of God that was slain even before the foundation of the earth was laid. In other words, no heavenly being nor earthly being was qualified to rescue man from death except the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.

Jesus came to give life to mankind. He did that through His death and resurrection. Through His death, He paid the price for the sins of the whole world. He died the death sentenced upon mankind. He delivered man from death. Man is not indebted to death any longer because Jesus took his place and died on his behalf.

Through His resurrection, Jesus raised a new creature unto God; a man that is spiritual and godly. A man that have eternal life: the life that cannot die.

Jesus is the resurrection and the Life

Jesus, The source of Life

Everything that exist, existed from Jesus. Jesus is the Word of God. God did not create anything without His Word. God called things that be not and they came into being by His Word.

Jesus is the source of life. Life originates from Him. He is the Life that gives life. In Him is life; and in Him alone can life be found. Therefore no one can truly live outside Christ

Through Jesus Christ, God made man; through Jesus Christ, God saved man from sin and death, and through Jesus Christ, man received eternal life. The Bible says that in Him we walk, in Him we move and in Him we have our whole being.

Man’s life is found in Christ alone. The life that we live is not our own any longer. Man was subject to death and Jesus died for us. Man died the day Jesus was crucified on the cross. The death of Jesus was the death of man.

Jesus’ resurrection was the beginning of a new creation of man. The old sinful nature of man is dead. The life of the new man is the Life that God gives in Jesus Christ.

The new life is received through faith in Christ Jesus. The new life is a higher life. It is a supernatural life. It is a life of power, authority, rulership and dominion. The new life is a life that has passed from death into life.

Anyone outside Christ does not have life. The man outside Christ is the man that is destined to everlasting damnation. He is a man that has a death sentence upon him. The man outside Christ is weak, cursed and poor. He is subject to the operations of the powers of the kingdom of darkness. The man outside Christ has no life.

Man receives Life through faith in Christ Jesus. The life of man is sustained, protected, preserved and prospered through faith in Christ Jesus.

Reign in life Through Jesus Christ

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the resurrection of a new specie of man that is empowered to reign in life on this Earth.

God’s original intention is that man should reign over the earth.

When God made man, He gave man complete authority, full power and unconditional right over the earth and its wealth. In other words, God made man to reign as the god of the earth.

Satan trickishly deceived man to delegate his authority over the earth and its wealth to him by disobeying God’s commandment.

Adam’s disobedience to God’s commandment caused Adam to fall from the glory of God. Sin made man a weak and cursed being, who has to labor hard before he could eat of the earth.

Satan took advantage of the fallen nature of man to claim the godship over earth. Satan capitalizes on the weak nature of man to exercise power over man and over the activities of the earth. Satan takes advantage of the corrupt nature of man to influence man’s activities. The fallen man is subject to the devices of the devil.

Jesus came to redeem man’s lost glory. Jesus came to restore power, right and authority over to man.

Through His death, Jesus disarmed powers and principalities, triumphing over them forever.

At resurrection, Jesus obtained power over the heavens as well as the earth; He said all powers in heaven and the earth have been given unto Him.

When He rose from the dead, Jesus raised a new specie of man and gave him power and authority over the earth: to trample upon scorpions and serpents (demons), and over all the powers of the kingdom of darkness.

When Jesus ascended into heaven, He ascended together with the new creature and made the new creature to sit together with Him at the right hand side of God the Father in the heavenly places, far above principalities and powers.

Jesus triumphed over Satan through the cross. He destroyed all the work of Satan; obtained all the powers in the heavens and the earth and handed the power over to the new creature.

The power to reign over this earth belong to the new creature. The new creature have power over the kingdom of darkness; power over the activities of Satan and his demons; and power to reign as a king and priest of God upon the earth.

As a king, the new creature passes decrees on the earth, and they are obeyed. As a priest, he makes declarations, and they are established.

Whatever the new creature permit on earth: is permitted in heaven; and whatever he rejects on the earth: is rejected in heaven.

The new creature is spiritually located in Christ with Christ in the heavenly places far above principalities and powers. The new creature is a highly secured man. The spiritual location of the new creature makes it impossible for Satan and his demons to hurt him. The new creature is eternally preserved and protected in Christ Jesus. The new creature is not subject to the activities of the kingdom of darkness rather he has the power to bind and cast out demons and stop all satanic activities.

This power is made possible by the abundance of Grace and the free gift of righteousness in Christ Jesus.

Anyone who desires to reign in life must receive the abundance of Grace and the free gift of righteousness through faith in Christ Jesus.