Jesus, The source of Life

Everything that exist, existed from Jesus. Jesus is the Word of God. God did not create anything without His Word. God called things that be not and they came into being by His Word.

Jesus is the source of life. Life originates from Him. He is the Life that gives life. In Him is life; and in Him alone can life be found. Therefore no one can truly live outside Christ

Through Jesus Christ, God made man; through Jesus Christ, God saved man from sin and death, and through Jesus Christ, man received eternal life. The Bible says that in Him we walk, in Him we move and in Him we have our whole being.

Man’s life is found in Christ alone. The life that we live is not our own any longer. Man was subject to death and Jesus died for us. Man died the day Jesus was crucified on the cross. The death of Jesus was the death of man.

Jesus’ resurrection was the beginning of a new creation of man. The old sinful nature of man is dead. The life of the new man is the Life that God gives in Jesus Christ.

The new life is received through faith in Christ Jesus. The new life is a higher life. It is a supernatural life. It is a life of power, authority, rulership and dominion. The new life is a life that has passed from death into life.

Anyone outside Christ does not have life. The man outside Christ is the man that is destined to everlasting damnation. He is a man that has a death sentence upon him. The man outside Christ is weak, cursed and poor. He is subject to the operations of the powers of the kingdom of darkness. The man outside Christ has no life.

Man receives Life through faith in Christ Jesus. The life of man is sustained, protected, preserved and prospered through faith in Christ Jesus.

Published by Akin Kingsley B

Akin Kingsley B is a Christian with passion for salvation of the souls of mankind. He is married to pretty Mrs Stella Kingsley and they're blessed with two lovely children, Sarah and Zoe Kingsley. He is a Pastor and the founder, tender COMMUNICATION and PUBLICATION ORG. a Christian network with the mandate of edifying the saints for the work of the ministry, building and uniting the body of Christ, and converting souls from darkness unto Light using every medium of communication, and publishing of books, journals and articles.

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